Basic steps of waltz dance style
How to Waltz Dance: 6 Steps for the Lead Dancer The ballroom dance requires two people: one leads and one follows. To begin, both dancers stand about a foot apart facing each other. The lead dancer places their right hand on the follower's left shoulder and then the dance begins. 1. Step forward with your left foot . Stand with your feet hip distance apart and step forward with the left foot while moving your body in the direction of your left foot. 2. Move to your right . Move your right foot sideways to the right. 3. Close your left foot to your right foot . Bring your left foot next to your right foot so your feet are parallel and nearly touching. 4. Step back with your right foot . Take a step back with your right foot. 5. Move back and to your left . Take a single step with your left foot that moves you back and sideways to the left. 6. Close your right foot to your left foot . Move your right foot next to your left foot ...