
Folk Dance Of Tripura

                    TRIPURA FOLK DANCE  The main folk dance of Tripura is – the Hozagiri dance of Reang community, Garia, Jhum, Maimita, Masak Sumani and Lebang boomani dances of Tripuri community, Bijhu dance of Chakma community, Cheraw and Welcome dances of Lusai community Hai-Hak dance of Malsum community, Wangala dance of Garo Community, Sangraiaka, Chimithang, Padisha and Abhangma dances of Mog community, Garia dances of Kalai and Jamatia communities, Gajan, Dhamail Sari and Rabindra dances of Bengali community and Basanta Rash and Pung chalam dances of Manipuri community. Each community has its own traditional musical instruments. To call a few are – ‘Khamb (Drum)’, Bamboo flute, ‘Lebang,’, ‘Sarinda’, ‘Do- Tara’, and ‘Kheng Rong’, etc. Traditional Dances of Tripura: 1. Garia Dance The life and culture of Tripuris revolve around Jhum (shifting) cultivation. When the sowing of seeds at a plot of land selected for Jhum is over by middle of April, they pray to the God ‘Garia’ for a c

Folk Dance Of Sikkim

                       SIKKIM FOLK DANCE  Sikkim, the state of the multiracial has acclaimed the national and global appreciation for its indigenous heritage and traditions. The whole population of Sikkim can divide into several ethnic groups. Each of those groups has a language, culture, heritage, traditions, and therefore dance forms of their own. The gaiety celebrations and festivities present a plethora of opportunities to witness the normal folk dance of Sikkim.  The range of the ethnic groups presents a varied and unique dance form which widely acknowledged by the Sikkimese. Diverse dance Sikkim signifies harmony, love, integrity, and mutual respect amongst the multiracial. The whole population of Sikkim can broadly divide into three major groups  Bhutias, Nepalis and Lepchas  which have their own distinct language, cultural programs, and dance forms. Popular Folk Dance of Sikkim 1. Chu Faat Dance This dance is specifically performed on the 15th day of the 7th month of the Buddhi

Folk Dance Of Arunachal Pradesh

      ARUNACHAL PRADESH FOLK DANCE  Communities of Arunachal Pradesh are known for his or her festive moods and vibrant dances. Every festival celebrated here, involves the display of beautiful woven  traditional attires , ornaments, songs, and dances in unison within the tribes of the state. The folk dance of Arunachal Pradesh performed not only uplift the charm of the festivals but also tell tales of heroic deeds that are passed down from generation to generation orally. The dances also showcase a far better picture of their culture to the outside world. The Adi tribe forms one of the major indigenous tribal communities of Arunachal Pradesh and when it comes to celebrating festivals with fervor, they’re not lagging. Here’s a look into the beautiful folk dances of the Adis. Folk Dances of Arunachal Pradesh: 1. Buiya Dance The tribe to which Bhuiya folk dance belongs is understood as the Digaru Mishmi. The Digaru Mishmi women and men perform the dance. Often performed after a grand fea

Folk Dance Of West Bengal

              WEST BENGAL FOLK DANCE  You must know that the culture in Bengal is renowned all over the world. You’ll get various types of varieties and richness in the culture of West Bengal. The folk dance of West Bengal has also gained the attention of people. The folk dance of West Bengal is famous for its rich taste. you’ll feel great to know that each state of West Bengal is famous for its dance and culture. Even foreigners like to be a part of these types of dances. They are available to dance and relish the moments. The classical dance of Bengal is renowned and famous everywhere. It also crossed the boundaries of Bengal and reached the other parts of India and abroad. Most of the renowned dancers are from Bengal. The classical dance of Bengal is to cherish and viewed. If you’re a part of Indian culture, you want to try this dance. The people of Bengal have a special preference and inclination for the classical dance of Bengal. It’ll be a great experience to cherish and know abo

Folk Dance Of Nagaland

                  NAGALAND FOLK DANCE    Nagaland is an exotic altogether form, rich in primeval beauty and most significantly the traditional dance. Music and dance play an enormous part in Naga culture and any event won’t conclude without a folk dance of nagaland. The people of Nagaland believe in togetherness hence you will notice all their dances presented in groups. Speaking of which, Nagaland has multiple tribes each having its own uniqueness, dance forms, cultures, language and more. as an example, the main folk dances of Nagaland include Modse, Agurshikukula, Butterfly Dance, Aaluyattu, Sadal Kekai, Changai Dance, Kuki Dance, Leshalaptu, Kamba Lim, Mayur Dance, Monyoasho, Rengma, Seecha and Kukui Kucho, Shankai and Moyashai etc., however, the prominent ones are ritual dancing and Zeliang Dance. The men in Nagaland perform War Dance with an outburst of cry and humming tune. It is often said this dance form mocks war scenarios by involving dangerous war movements. One wrong step