Folk Dance Of Madhya Pradesh


The state of Madhya Pradesh is often termed a cultural museum of India. The place not only unties many religions in its lap, But it is also home to several of the most prominent tribal communities of the country. These tribal and abiogenic of Madhya Pradesh have contributed to the rich cultural saga of the place; intrinsically blending their indigenous cultures taints a large netting pot. after all the tribal culture in the state is the reason that we notice the incorporation of various folk-dance forms to its troupe of traditional dances let us learn about some of the most important folk dances of Madhya Pradesh that add color to its vibrant culture.

Folk Dances of Madhya Pradesh:

1. Jawara – Dance of Madhya Pradesh

folk dance of madhya pradesh

People of the Bundelkhand region perform this dance to celebrate prosperity. Originally a pleasing dance jawara follows the reaping of customs, dance, and revel together, synchronizing their movement to a spread of musical instruments while dancing, the women also balance baskets, filled with Jawara on their heads. It’s a winder to notice the poise of the women, while they maintain the brisk dance movements of Jawara.

2. Tertali – Dance of Madhya Pradesh

Tertali - folk dance of madhya pradesh

Tertali may be a folk dance of the Kamar in Madhya Pradesh generally, two or three women of the tribe sit on the ground and initiate the dance performance. A small metal cymbal called ‘Magiras’ was tried on different parts of the body. They also carry a cymbal in each hand and strike them in rhythm. The top remains covered with a veil. Gnashing a little sword between their teeth and balancing a pot on their heads, they vigorously bellow the boat of the dance.

3. Lehangi – Dance of Madhya Pradesh

Lehangi Folk dance of madhya pradesh

Lehangi may be a folk dance of the Banjara and Khanjar tribe of the Bhopal commissary of Madhya Pradesh and performed during the blossoming monsoon period. The Banjara tribe also performs this dance form during the festival of “Rakhi”. Young men hold sticks in their hands and rhythmically beat them while dancing various acrobatic tricks incorporated into the dance, lend a dramatic touch to the performances.

4. Ahiri – Dance of Madhya Pradesh

Ahiri Dance of madhya pradesh

Ahiri dance may be a trademark of the cattle herders of Gwalior. The dance also has religious over stones because the various communities of Gwalior who performed this dance are the descendants of Lord Krishna. People belonging to Ahir, Gwala, Rawat, Beat and Baredi communities generally perform Ahiri.

The Ahiri community is the most avid follower of this cultural and religious occasion. Baredi or Yadav Dance Baredi is a crucial folk dance of the Gwalior District.

Starting from Diwali the dance is performed till the day of “Karthikpurnama” several musical instruments like Dholak, Jhang, Manjiramridang and daphil imparts the tribal beat because the dancers perform and move in circles. Folk songs also are singing that follows a question-and-answer format. The performers are clad in dhotis and accessorized with peacock feathers.

5. Gaur Dance – Dance of Madhya Pradesh

Gaur Dance of madhya pradesh

The foremost popular among the Madya Pradesh dances is the Gaur dance of the Sing Marias or Tallaguda Marias of South Bastar. This spectacular dance symbolizes the hunting spirit of the tribe. The word ‘gaur’ means a ferocious bison. The invitation for a dance is given by sounding a bamboo trumpet or horn. Wearing headdresses frilled with stringed ‘cowries’ and plumes of peacock feathers fastened to them the lad’s folk with flutes and drums make their way to the dancing ground.

Women adorned with brass fillets and bead necklaces over their tattooed bodies soon join the assemblage. They carry dancing sticks called Tirududi in their right hands and tap them to conform with the drumbeats. They dance in their own groups by the side of the make members. But they also take the freedom to cross and re-cross in between the groups of male dancers and drummers.

Their jingling anklets correspond to the songs of their lips as they move. The lads beat the drums, tossing the horns and feathers of their headgears to the rising tempo that provides the dance a wilder touch.

6. Muria Dances – Dance of Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh folk dance

The Murias trained within the Ghotui for all types of their community places. Before any dance commenced at a wedding or a festive occasion, the Murias first worship their drums. Fairly often they begin with an invocation to ‘Lingo pen’, the phallic deity of the tribe and therefore the founder of the ghotul institution. To a Muria, Lingo Pen was the primary musician who taught the art of drumming to the tribal boys.

The dancing site was chosen near the Ghotul compound. The dance communes with a gaggle of boys carrying ritualistic offerings and gifts and conducting the bridegroom to a ceremonial place. The movements of the drummers as they dance and manipulate their drums are fascinating.

7. Saila Dance – Dance of Madhya Pradesh

Saila dance of madhya pradesh

Young boys of the lain of Chhattisgarh bring life to the post-harvest time through the Saila dance. Saila may be a stick dance and is popular among the people of Sarguja, Chhindwara and Baitui districts. But in these places, Saila is understood by DandaNach or Dandar Pate.

Sometimes the dancers form a circle, each standing on one leg and supporting himself by holding on to the person in front. Then all of them hop together round and round. Sometimes they form pair, or go round during a single or double line, occasionally, climbing on each other’s back.

The climax of a day’s Saila is the great Snake dance. The Saila songs, of which the refrain is the monotonous Nanarenana are usually of a progressive character leading to a highly vulgar conclusion.

8. Karma Dance – Dance of Madhya Pradesh

Karma Folk Dance of madhya pradesh

Among the Gonds and therefore the Baigas of Chhattisgarh and the Oraons of the North-west fringes of Madhya Pradesh, the Karma dance is extremely common. This type is associated with the fertility cult and essentially related to the Karma festival that falls in the month of August.

The Karma dance symbolizes the bringing of green branches of the forest within the spring. Sometimes a tree is really set up in the village and people dance around it. The dance was crammed with the breath of trees.

Folk Musical Instruments of Madhya Pradesh:

1. Goga Dhol

Goga Dhol

The Goga dhol may be a folk drum found among the Muria people of Madhya Pradesh.

2. Ghera:


Ghera may be a percussion instrument made of parchment. This folk instrument is found in Rajasthan. Majorly employed by folk musicians of Rajasthan in group singing. Also related to the Holi festival.

3. Pungi


The pungi also called the been, or bin may be a wind instrument played by snake charmers in India. The pungi originally developed as an Indian ethnic music instrument. it’s important for religious purposes and music in India. it’s played by snake charmers in street performances.

4. Dhankul


Dhankul may be a musical instrument put together by using five things — a huge pot, a bow, and a standard cane window.

5. The Chikara/the Kingri

Chikara may be a stringed instrument made of parchment, wood, and steel. It’s a local instrument found in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan.  Majorly used by the ‘Pradhan’ community for vocal accompaniment to songs and dance sequences in Madhya Pradesh. Moreover, used by the ‘Meo’ community of Alwar district of Rajasthan for vocal accompaniment.


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