
KATHAKALI (one of the beautiful performing dance form)

                              KATHAKALI Kathakali classical dance form belongs to ramanattam village, kerala, south india. Kathakali means 'katha'- story or tale, 'kali'- performance and art. Its roots are in ancient 'kitiyattam'(classical sanskrit dance drama) and 'krishnattam' (dance- drama depicting stories of hindu god krishna). Kathakali is a combination of dance, music and acting and dramatizes stories, which are mostly adapted from the indian epics. Movements in kathakali are influenced by ancient martial arts and athletic tradition. It is basically a dance- drama. Kathakali art form developed in the courts and theaters of hindu pricipalities. The traditional performances were used to be as long from dusk to dawn. Modern day presentations are short as per the time limit of the program. KATHAKALI DANCE TRADITIONS-   Kthakali was traditionally a male dominated dance ( tandav-                                                                          p

kathak ( from the ganga- yamuna tahzeeb)

                                KATHAK                                            FROM THE GANGA- YAMUNA TAHZEEB The graceful dance of north india, origin 'kathak' 'kahave', the one who tells stories is kathakaar or katha. Also known as 'NATWARI NRUTYA'. Kathak is one of the most charming dance fprm of india.  This dance form from uttar pradesh, central india. It's origin- devadasis in mughal court. Kthak evolved during bhakti movement. It includes the childhood and stories of the lord krishna. THEMES- The themes of kathak revolve around stories of RAMAYANA, MAHABHARAT, and                                   KRISHNA. Apart from this, kathak encompasses presentations on manifold subjects. 'Raslila of braj is quite akin to kathak'. ' A solo dance form but group compositions on themes with perfect synchronization steal the heart.  UNIQUE FEATURES-   LASYA PREDOMINATES.           Kathak is world famous for it's spectacular footwork, amazing spins,


                        KUCHIPUDI DANCE The kuchipudi was originated from the place named 'KUCHIPUDI' in krishna districtof ANDHRA PRADESH, around 3rd century bce, it has a very lon tradition of dance-drama. It was popular under the generic name of YAKSHAGANA. it's origin BHAGAVATHULU dance in temple. CULTURE OF DANCE-   kuchipudi dance has a speciality called- 'TARANGAM ' in which the dancer                                            performs on the top of the brass plates. And sometimes balances some pot on                                            the head. This makes the dance form extremely unique. Kuchipudi gradually developed ad a solo dance form and today we can see both male and female performing it. Both lasya and tandav predominates.  The solo items are- 'Balgopala taranga'- (dance on the edged of brass plate with a pitcher full of water on head) , Manduka shabdam ( story of frog maiden), and Tala chitra nritya (drawing picture with dancing toes)

bharatnatyam (dasiattam)

                          BHARATNATYAM   Bharatnatyam is one of the indian classical dance. which originated in indian subcontinent in ancient period.This dance form  also called dasiattam or sadir . This performing art belongs to south indian state Tamilnadu , tanjor and other region. Thia dance form symbolizes the element of fire .    BHARATNATYAM -  BHA- BHAV (emotion)                                       RA- RAGA (music)                                      TA- TAAL (rhythm)                                       NATYAM-  SANSKRIT WORD FOR DRAMA AND DANCE  Abhinaya darpan and sangeet ratnakar guide the technique and grammar of body movements. This dance form mentioned in kannada text manasollasa written by someshwara iii , also found in ancient tamil epic SILAPPATIKARAM . Bharatnatyam found in natyashastra, ( hindu text of performance arts.) written by scholar Bharatmuni. Brihaddeshwara temple was a major centre for bharatnatyam since 1000 CE. Gopurams of chdambaram display th


                        CLASSICAL DANCE         Indian classical dance or shastriya nritya is an umbrella term for various dance performance arts rooted in hindu musical theatre styles. Dance in india has a rich and vital tradition dating back to ancient times. Excavations, inscriptions, chronicals, geneologies of kings and artists, literary sources, sculpture and painting of different periods provide extensive evidence on dance. In literature, the first references come from the vedas where dance and music have their roots.  Bharatmuni's natyashastra, the source book of the art of drama, dance and music.The date of the work is between the 2nd century B.C.E.-2nd century C.E. , The natyashastra is also known as the fifth veda.  Natyashastra evolved  from vedas - Taking words from the rigveda. Taking music from the samveda. Taking gestures from the yajurveda.  And taking emotions from the atharvaveda.